Thursday, January 23, 2025


Yes, I know it's January, not November. And yes, we don't usually celebrate Thanksgiving this early in the year. But today I felt like being thankful and wanted to explore some of the ways we can show thankfulness. Ready?

T - Today. Remember, everyday is "today"--and you can be thankful.

H - Here. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing.

A - All the time. All ways. St. Paul says we should give thanks in all circumstances. That is a really, really tall order for me. But I'm working on it.

N - Now. This very minute. No waiting for an appropriate (whatever that is) time or day or event. 

K - Kindness--one of the ways we show we're thankful. As my friend Liz Flaherty says, "Be kind to somebody."

F - Freely--with abandon--scatter your thanks everywhere you can. 

U - Uplifted - the way you'll feel when you give thanks.

L - Love. One of the greatest ways to give thanks. And--the more you give, the more you find is returned to you. 


We all have reasons to be thankful--yours may be different from mine, but the really simple act of saying "thank you"--to whomever or whatever you believe is the source of your reason for thankfulness will make a difference in your life. It has, and continues to do so, for me.


Thursday's Child

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