Thursday, May 30, 2024


Pink Peonies
I know, I know, it's the merry month of May!

So why all the rain? Are May showers going to bring June flowers? Probably not--flowers are already showing off  around my neighborhood--colors we hadn't seen since last year.

I won't be surprised to learn that Ma Nature knocked over her Crayola Crayon box and every bloomin' color fell out and when it hit the earth, it spread like butter on a hotcake.

Red Roses outside
my kitchen window

Or maybe the crayon box is still in the drawer and Ma's paint palette slid off the table and there they went--Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Yellow, all the blues: Cerulean, Ultramarine, Cobalt, Prussian, Turquoise. I like the way they divided themselves into warm and cool colors: Besides Alizarin, we had Cad Red, also Lemon Yellow (quite a cool one, as you might expect). And some spectacular greens and purples straight out of the tube, no mixing.

Late March, but had to
sneak this one in
Right this moment, I have no exciting or provocative or even soothing thoughts to offer. I hope you'll forgive me for gushing over Nature's beauty and abundance; inspiration is everywhere, and all we have to do is look. Or maybe, all we have to do is just be. Sit outside and let sunshine warm us. Or feel the breeze--warm breeze, cool breeze--touch our faces and hands and lift our hair off our forehead. If we listen carefully, we'll hear birdsong, squirrel chatter, tractors heading down the road to the fields, lawnmowers singing their song . . . . And for a taste of Spring, how about some lovely home-grown asparagus? (We had some from my son's garden a week or so ago.)

Enjoy these moments, wherever you are, and for however long they last. Change is inevitable. In a few days we'll flip the calendar page again and sprint toward Summer. New Nature songs then!


Thursday's Child

Ready to plant!

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