I looked up favorite and discovered that it's possible to have more than one favorite thing! How wonderful is that?
1--One that is treated or regarded with special favor or liking:
That song is my favorite.
Especially--a person who is specially loved, trusted, or provided with
favors by someone of high rank or authority:
The king granted the land to two of his favorites.
2--A competitor judged most likely to win:
Which horse is the favorite in this race?
And we all know about adding websites to our list of favorites--a/k/a bookmarks.
Today I'm looking at definition #1--my own special likings. No particular order; just because a group is labeled second or third doesn't mean it is of lesser value.
First--Things that Make Me Smile
The word Bookstore on a sign. . . or Library
Puppies (I love L L Bean catalogs!)
New fabric for making things
Second--Things that Give Me Comfort
Food--mashed potatoes, homemade soup, brownies,
tacos, pizza
Warm clothes in winter; cool clothes in hot weather
Quilts made by hand (mine or someone else's)
Third--Things that Bring Me Peace
A new book by a favorite author
A letter from my child or a friend
A dependable vehicle
Fourth--Things that Make Me Get up in the Morning
The smell of coffee brewing
A project I want to continue or finish
Appointments I want to keep
Fifth--Things I Can't Imagine Living Without
My own home
A church I belong to
Make your own list--you may surprise yourself what you really, really, really like a whole lot.
I discovered that my list of favorites is never-ending. I could go on and on and on.............
But I won't! Have a blessed week!