Thursday, August 16, 2018


[Lately I've been getting ready for family visits over the next couple of weeks. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get bogged down in the busy-ness of life? I took a good look at myself and decided I needed a reminder of the things for which I can be thankful. After re-reading my old list, I decided it was still a good one. BTW, did you make your own list?]

1-6.              Sometimes I’m thankful that I’m domestic—I can cook, sew, clean, shop, fix things around the house, decorate my environment. I don’t claim to be great at any of these, but I can do them.

These abilities allow me to live independently, if I want to. And if I need help with any of them, I know people who can step in and do what I can't.

7-12.             I’m thankful I have “outside” interests. I exercise five times a week; I knit with a former co-worker two noon-hours a week; I sew/knit/teach at Heart & Hands for the purpose of keeping babies and children warm; I play piano and organ for my church when there’s a need for a sub; I lunch with friends; I sew with a friend every Monday and sometimes we go on road trips to buy more fabric.

Having outside interests means I don't spend all day, every day, in my own little cocoon. And when the activities are enjoyable, my attendance is guaranteed. My heart, mind, and body are healthier for these times with others.

13-18.            And I’m thankful I have dreams and plans. One day I’ll take watercolor classes and learn to paint with pastels. I’ll write the other four novels on my list. And make more quilts and wall hangings—perhaps sell them. Perhaps I’ll travel—not far, just around Lake Michigan or near lakes in Midwestern states. If the opportunity occurs, perhaps I’ll again play church services in a liturgical church. And I’ll write memoirs of my younger life—B.I.T. (Before Information Technology).

When my father died just before his 79th birthday, he had drawn up plans for remodeling the Florida room on his mobile home. No withering away for him--he went out with the next project firmly in mind. That's the way I want to be at the end of my life. 

19-20.            Most of all, I’m grateful and thankful for family and friends. We may not see each other often, but we’re in each other’s hearts and thoughts. We keep in touch with that wonderful Information Technology.

You don't need a googol of friends nor a large family to give you the gift of identity. Because of my family and friends, I have a better picture of who I was, who I am now, where I came from, even, perhaps, where I'm going. 

Any time I need a mood elevator, I’ll reread the above lists. They’re filled with blessings.

May you find your own blessings this week.


  1. A great list, and one that's good for you and for others. Enjoy the kids.

  2. Thanks, Liz...will enjoy our time together, since it's in short supply and therefore precious.
