Thursday, December 20, 2018


Counting today, there are five (5) days left before Christmas Day.

Are you at "Yikes!" yet?

At my house it's a time of Post-It Note reminders and checklists.

--Veggie trays made and delivered? 

--Cards and letters mailed? 

--Gifts purchased or made? 

--Gifts wrapped? (hmm, move on to next item)

--House ready for company? (not yet)

--Food purchased for company visit? (working on it)

So what have I been doing, you ask?

There's music to locate and then practice for the next three services I'll play.

A close friend who now lives in Florida is "home for the holidays" to visit her family; we had lunch together yesterday and an intense but satisfying catching-up session.

There are bills to pay during this week of the month. That's if they're going to be on time.

I've cut a few more blanket and pillow case kits for my Heart & Hands group to sew this week; this will be our final meeting until the new year.

Somehow--maybe there really are elves who come in and do their thing while I sleep--anyway, somehow, it all gets done in time for whatever is happening next.

At the end of these five days, we can rejoice with Linus and Charlie Brown and the gang, and remember what Christmas is all about.

A blessed Christmas to you from Thursday's Child!